Khan allows adjacent allied units to heal 20 HP per turn.
Bushido which enables your wounded units fight as if they are in full health, making it hard for your enemies to finish you off.ĥ Genghis Khan (Mongolia) - Keshik can be dangerous but Khan is the main point here. Oda Nobunaga (Japan) - Perfect expansionist to me. Mohawk Warrior which is a lot stronger than swordsman and The Great Warpath which allow your units to move on forest as if it is on road.Ĥ. Hiawatha (Iroquois) - A good early game expansionist.
Spartan, ops, i mean Hoplite which is stronger than Spearman and Companion Cavalry which allows player to steamroll the others early game.ģ. Alexander (Greece) - Also a great early game expansionist. Jaguar with enhance fighting power and Sacrificial Captives which generates culture for every enemies you kill.Ģ. Montezuma (Aztec) - Really early expansionist. Let say if you want to go pure expansionist, here are a few:ġ. However, different people have different interest. Washington (America) - UA that give +1 sight to all land unit. Really cutting down the expenses if adopted Order, which stack 33% cut in military expenses.ģ. Otto von Bismarck (Germany) - Furor Teutonicus, cut down military expenses by 25%. Also, UA give +1 gold to each trade route to your capital.Ģ. Harun al-Rashid (Arabia) - A good late expansionist, with a building that doubles the oil you have. I am a peaceful player with slight expansion trait, so these civilizations suits me in some way:ġ. However, the game is now almost even and the leaders have pros and cons of their own. This may be the hardest part for some player, because we all seeks that perfect civilization leader. Plus, Earth map has TWO locations concentrated with luxury items. The reason why i play in Earth is because earth is standardized, so it's much easier to explain here. Note: This is something like a guide, but we can't call it a guide since it all based on pure experience in game, so some info might be inaccurate.įirst of all, here are the condition that apply to this guide: